Technical Excellence at Your Service
The most important element in determining the quality of mechanical performance is the experience and artistry of the technicians.
Our Leadership Team
SVD is woman-owned and family operated. Judy Williams, principal of the JE Williams Group, is SVD's owner, and Jim, her husband, lends his ASE/EVT/CET certified expertise and 40+ years' experience to shop operations as senior tech and shop supervisor for SVD and for other JE Williams holdings, including Code Red Repairs, an emergency vehicle repair and maintenance operation serving Fire, EMT & Police departments, and Clean Planet Mfg. & Labs, Inc, a sustainable manufacturing company.
SVD employs some of the most experienced and talented technicians in the area. Our master technicians hold ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certification, and our lead tech holds EVT (Emergency Vehicle Technician) and CET (Certified Environmental Technician) certifications. Our team's collective career is filled with rich mechanical experiences and knowledge that blend to make our service thorough and accurate for our customers.
Commitment to Details
SVD technicians bring a focused and committed passion for excellence to the job. Because of their attention to detail, comebacks are a rarity at SVD. Our techs treat each job with the same care as they would for their own family members.
Our History
Since 2009, SVD has had the privilege of serving individual truck owners, farmers, equestrians, and some of the area's largest diesel fleets, including:
Columbia Gas
Staunton Steam Laundry,
PolyFace Farms,
Digital Traffic Systems,
Staunton Tree Service,
Commonwealth Construction,
Plecker Construction,
Mainframe Builders,
Big L Tire, and
The VA Department of Forestry

giving back to community and environment
Shenandoah Valley Diesel appreciates and supports our community's First Responders by offering discounted prices on services and repairs for their vehicles and apparatus, whether vintage or new...
Dynamic Solutions Industries (DSI) is a startup company focused on designing, developing, and delivering products that are good for people and the environment. Revolutionary therapies for treating aching, swollen and painful feet, legs, backs, knees, and other joints and muscles, and our trailblazing system for removing pathogens from public spaces are coming soon!

You may not typically think about "environmentally conscious" and "auto repair shop" in the same sentence, but we are changing how people think about this at SVD.

We practice the three R's - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.
State of the Art, Spill-Free used fluids capture, storage and recycle system -
Which removes our techs and mechanics from harm’s way by eliminating the threat of serious health issues resulting from direct contact with the harmful benzenes and hydrocarbons in used oil...
A/C Refrigerant (R134a) – Properly recovered and recycle
Antifreeze – Recycled
Batteries – Exchanged and recycled
Oil/Fluid Filters – Collected and recycled
Engine Oil – Collected and recycled by Safety Clean
Transmission Fluid – Collected and recycled by Safety Clean
Tires – Recycled into other rubber products, even road bedding!
Soiled Shop Rags and Uniforms – Collected and professionally cleaned on a weekly basis
867 B Middlebrook Ave
Staunton, VA 24401

Good Ole Memories: From the Mechanics Desk
Hello my name is JimJim Williams and I want to share with you some history behind Shenandoah Valley Diesel.
I grew up around a mixture of mainly Ford and Chevy vehicles. I remember our little 69 Ford Bronco 289 engine that I used to run the crap out of; almost wrecked it on the old dump road in Craigsville. That 70 mile per hour slide all over the gravel road would have ended my life if I would have crashed. No, not in the crash, by my Dad, after he found out how I crashed.
It did not take me long to learn that there were many die hard Ford people living in the Craigsville area where I grew up. Two of my most favorite people and friends from that time of my youth were Lester and Daily Colvin. Two of the best guys ever. Boy, it did not take me long to learn that you never said a good word about a Chevy to these guys. I found it to be a lot of fun for a very short period of time by telling one of these guys that a Chevy was better than a Ford. Boy, it was on then. I thought this 12 year old was going to meet the reaper. I finally figured it was best to keep my mouth shut and have fun another way.
My first small job was at Daniel Motor Company in Craigsville. I washed Pintos that where green, red, blue, yellow, etc. I had Ford Pintos running out my ears. I was thirteen, of course with no license, and would get to transport the vehicles I was cleaning about a block from the car lot to the wash area. Every now and then, Mr. Daniels' grandson would come along, and we would sneak a car and drive it a mile or so out to, you guessed it, the Craisgville dump. I sure saw a lot of that place over the years. One day I washed a 1971 Lincoln Continental Mark lll. This thing had a 460 Engine and would get up the road. The grandson and I took another ride to the dump. That was my first 100 mile per hour ride! He drove out, I drove back. Well, we did have to dry it off.
At Daniels, I did get to see some mechanic work being done. The first set of heads I got to handle was a set of 390 Ford heads. They were doing a valve job on them, so I got to clean them up after pulling them out of a 5 gallon bucket of carb cleaner.
I’ll never forget all those days of learning.
Stepping back to when I was around eight years old in Craigsville, I had the urge to be a mechanic. I could not resist tearing something apart. There was an old lawn mower that had been left where we had moved in, or maybe it was an old push mower my Dad had retired. Anyway, I felt the overwhelming need to work on it. I first found the shocking experience of pulling the rope while hanging on to the spark plug. Man that was a jolt. I had to share that experience with my brothers and my sister. They did not see the humor. Anyway, I wish more kids would be able to grow up the way I did, and learn to use their hands and brain to make things happen like, repairing, and building something. (That’s why I came up with iHalt. Will explain that in the future) Punching buttons and playing games on cellphones will not get you anywhere. Anyway, I did not have many tools at my disposal to work with. I did find an old screw driver, hammer, and a pair of pliers that belonged to my dad, and I went to work. I could not get but a few screws loose on the outer guards with the pliers. I found that if I struck the head of the bolts on the side with the hammer hitting the screw driver, the bolts could be knocked loose. I tore most of that mower down with the hammer and screw driver ad put it back together. It never ran, but I was happy.
"I will probably have some sort of mechanic tool in my hand when I leave this earth."
When I was 15 and a half, I got my driver’s license. I started hanging around Jim Gum my logger buddy. He along with my Dad got me behind the wheel, and the next thing you know, I was driving a tandem log truck to the saw mill and the paper mill in Covington, Virginia. I learned some good mechanic tricks from Jim Gum. This man could take something broken and make it work. He taught me so much one day with just a little brass fitting. I used the wrong wrench on it and collapsed it. That mistake shut a truck down that needed to be hauling. He tapped and worked with that fitting, and brought it back to round and got the airline screwed in it. I was blown away by that. I thought, this man can do anything. One of these days, I will fix things that seem like they can never be fixed again. I have never forgotten that brass fitting and the will to make something work again.
Since those days, I have had the privilege to build some big Ford, Chevy, and Chrysler engines for drag and dirt track racing, and pulling. I have had my hands in many other engines along with Detroit, Cummins, Powerstroke, Cat, Deer, etc. I love to see them run, and run right.
At Shenandoah Valley Diesel, we can say we are Truck Country. We have two mechanics that have the experience to diagnose both gas & diesel and get to the cause of the problem in a hurry to get you back on the road. There’s a lot of good history between us and the blue oval. When it comes to doing the mechanic work, I would say we work on more Powerstrokes than all other engines. We use the same software as the dealerships to do our diagnosis.
We feel we are superior mechanics to most, not all mechanics at the dealerships. We have had to think outside the box for so many years, and it has caused us to come up with many testing procedures that they may not use. Many dealerships have many young mechanics that are learning on your vehicle. I never would want someone practicing on my vehicle.